Biographical Novel Illustrated
by Charlotte Service-Longépé
Infine Art, Breizh, 2021
ISBN 9782955543740
508 pages, 5.8×8.3 inches, maps, b/w drawings & family archives photographies, inside cover, bookmark
- USD$35 / CAD$40 / 25€ / 25£ -
Driven by wanderlust, a twenty-two-year-old Scot embarks for Canada in 1896. Along the journey led by a diversity of jobs, from ploughman to bank clerk, from hobo to poet, the young man goes from happy to painful experiences while enjoying the sweet breath of freedom and love of Nature.
Illustrated with photographs, maps and drawings, this novel is taking the reader in a kind of travel diary following the thrilling life quest of a man looking to find his destiny.
A biography lively penned thanks to the dedication of his great-granddaughter Charlotte Service-Longépé.